The Arlington Cardinal Network
ARLINGTON-HOMECOMING.COM is open for news and announcements about reunions, homecomings and other gatherings for all District 214 high schools and St. Viator High School.

The list of schools includes (in order of establishment) Arlington High School (1922), Prospect High School (1957), St. Viator (1961), Forest View High School (1962), Wheeling High School (1964), Elk Grove High School (1966), John Hersey High School (1968), Rolling Meadows High School (1971), and Buffalo Grove High School (1973).

PLEASE HELP FUND The Cardinal Network and ArlingtonCardinal.com

Why The Cardinal?
Arlington High School (1922-1984) was the flagship school for Township High School District 214 until it closed in 1984. The school is neutral since it is not an active high school. Arlington was also centrally located, compared to all other schools.

The Cardinal Reunion Edition is here to help classmates network between classes and between schools -- including information about reunions, homecomings and other get togethers. The Arlington Cardinal Network includes links to Facebook pages for all eight District 214 high schools that ever existed, and St. Viator High School. These Facebook pages are published by The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com and are not affiliated with Township High School District 214 or any of the high schools.

Each classmate is encouraged to LIKE the Arlington Cardinal Network Facebook page that is specific to your high school. You may also LIKE any other high school if, for example, you had a lot of friends that went to another high school.

Each class is encouraged to create its own Facebook Fan page and a Group Page for its class. Then notify the Arlington Cardinal Network about reunions and other topics via its respective high school's Facebook page. For example, an Arlington class would post on the wall for  Facebook.com/AHSCARDINALS.

Classes are encouraged to

(1) Create a FAN PAGE for their class
(2) Create a GROUP PAGE (closed) for their class
(3) Post notices on the wall of the specific high school Facebook page

For example, the Arlington High School Class of 1976 has

(1) A FAN PAGE -- Facebook.com/Arlington1976 and
(2) A GROUP PAGE -- http://www.facebook.com/groups/187867271281352/
(3) Notices are posted on Facebook.com/AHSCARDINALS

Additionally Arlington High School Alumni have created a closed group for their entire school -- GROUP PAGE -- Arlington High School Arlington Hts. IL., Alumni

Facebook fan pages are better for general marketing for your class -- less formal, open to the public, and more familiar to most Facebook users. Group pages are better for precise targeting of classmates. Each classmate that becomes a member of a group can add any of their friends to the group. Group pages can be closed, so only classmates can see the communications in the group. Groups pages feature the ability to send out direct messages to up to 5,000 members of the group. More info is coming soon on the comparison of  fan pages and group pages.

Current High School Reps Welcome
Existing Students, High School Administrators, School Newspapers, Booster Clubs, and District 214 Administrators: You're Welcome to Post on a Facebook Wall or Send a Press Release

Any news, sports scores, fund campaigns about the seven remaining high schools are welcome for publishing on this blog or for an appearance on one of the specific high school Facebook walls.

What About Arlingtoncards.com?
Arlingtoncards.com was created and designed before Facebook arrived on the scene and changed how people interact online. Arlingtoncards.com was originally designed to serve students and teachers of the former Arlington High with memories and alumni events.

Arlingtoncards.com was also designed as a community directory for Arlington Heights and surrounding communities.

The bottom line? It's do for an overhaul. An we're working on it.

More About the Arlington Cardinal Network
The Arlington Cardinal Network is set to release several websites that work well on desktop computers as well as smartphones, such as Apple iPhones and Android OS phones.

The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com is the main breaking news site that was initiated on September 12, 2001. A new mobile site, Arlington-News.com is set for release in September 2011.

Taste-of-Arlington.com is a recent release that includes all food-related businesses in Arlington Heights and many from surrounding communities and Chicago.

StreetsofArlingtonHeights.com is also set to be released September 2011. The site is enhanced for mobile use in Arlington Heights, with street information, public transit information and more.

Amazon Associate Website
Arlington-Homecoming.com is an Amazon Associate website, which means that a small percentage of your purchases gets paid to Arlington-Homecoming.com at no extra cost to you.

When you use the search boxes above, any Amazon banner ad, or any product associated with an Amazon banner on this website, you help pay expenses related to maintaining Arlington-Homecoming.com and creating new services and ideas for a resourceful website.

More is coming soon!

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